Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Speed of Light Revision

Here is a question for the curious mind:
Why do we think that the Speed of Light is the Limit? Maybe it just sticks to the Limit.

To give you an easy example out of everyday life.
You could measure the speed of cars on the Interstate, and the result might be a maximum speed of 70mph.

You could say: The Speed of a Car is 70mph.
But the truth is: All drivers just obeyed the speed limit.
Knowing this truth, the first statement pretty much looks stupid.

We already know that there is more to light than we currently know.

Here is a short refresher on Quantum Electrodynamics:
The Speed of Light is constant, is it?

The Speed of Light is said to be constant in pure vacuum. Moving through other media like water or glass, light slows down.
In fact, light doesn’t really slow down, it just needs time for re-emision.
So, looking at this diamond, light moves 2.4 times slower inside of it, but gets faster immediately after exiting the diamond.
And the answer to the question: "Why does light suddenly get faster after being slowed down?" is that it never was slowed down,
it is not the same photon that entered the diamond!

Light moves straight, does it?

The path of light can’t be predicted. In the moment you would watch the light, it would choose a different path.
Everything is based on possibilities.
A possible path of light traveling through vacuum could look like this.

Also, looking into a mirror, the angle of incidence is not necessarily the angle of reflection.
It can be, but doesn't have to be.
This phenomenon explains that seeing a hot road flickering in the sun. The flickering is the reflection of the sun, light that didn’t move straight but the fastest.

Let's go back to our main question of "Why do we think that the Speed of Light is the Limit? Maybe it just sticks to the Limit.",
And ask another question: "What would happen if the Speed of Light were to be infinite?"
- The night sky would be brightly illuminated.
- Our communication would probably be impossible due to signal ‘pollution’
- We could immediately see what’s happening in the whole universe
- The universe would be connected in the Now

This brings me to say that The Speed of Light is the speed at which the local Now travels.

Ok, what's that? The Local Now!?

Looking at Earth, the Moon and Mars, each – I say – planet has a local Now, because the Now of the moon reaches us after 1.5 seconds and the Now of Mars reaches us after about 4 minutes.

Imagine a tree on Earth, and a leaf falling down. This event of creation triggers – what I call – a Now Wave. And after 1.5 seconds to the moon and 4 minutes to Mars, the leaf is also falling down for them.

So what happens is that all centers of creation are sending out Now Waves,
to be specific, every single ‘point’ in space sends out a Now Wave – always.

These ‘point’ could be one Planck length which is said to be the smallest distance something can be known about.
And looking at the 2nd part of the famous formula of E = mc2, we see that E is also h*v, with h = Planck Constant and v = Frequency.
At this point, we are able to revise the meaning of the speed of light.
Summing up, Creation (or Change) communicates itself. This happens at the Speed of Light.

Matter-Consciousness needs to ‘communicate’ its constant creation.
Creation always happens in the Now, but it has a delay through space.
It would make sense to consider the Speed of Light truly as the Delay of Now.

The ‘Delay on Now’-Speed is the true limit.
Light just sticks to this speed limit (especially in respect with light being the main medium we can perceive).
This speed isn’t necessarily constant through the existence of the universe. It might have changed in the ‘past’ and change in the ‘future’.
Anyway, this interpretation cancels out the possibility of Time Travel.

From here we can do another big step – well, another question:
Is gravity a result of creation?

Right now we say: More mass = more gravity = more creation
Or would it make sense to rearrange this to: More creation = more mass = more gravity
Does Creation Bend Space?

With this understanding, the Lorentz Factor gets a new meaning. It is basically describing a Doppler effect of Creation.
As a reminder, the Lorentz Factor is what's sitting in each aspect of relativity.

So far we were looking at the Now Waves from the top – at least in our picture here. We can also look at the waves from the side.
In reality, these waves expand in all directions of course. The problem is only that we can't imagine 4 dimensions of space.

Imagine your idle in a rocket on Earth, then the image of the rocket is send out with the speed of light.
Approaching the speed of light, you would still send out light but since moving so fast chase the first wave with a second.
Layering these two waves, you see that they amplify and if we say that 'more creation = more mass' then the mass of rocket increases.

When actually matching the Speed of Creation, all the simultaneously created waves would amplify towards infinity.

Quite the same would apply for a black hole, it wouldn't send out a wave, but bending it and preventing any escape of creation.

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